BARE BOTANICALS | Meet The Business

Louise, owner of Bare Botanicals, needed to up her commercial photography game and came to the right place. We got to work on getting the clean white background shots and had some fun along the way too!


I’ve 100% taken this off of the Bare Botanicals website, but who to explain better than Louise herself.

“After studying cosmetics and learning from some of the leading experts in the industry, including the former owner of the largest craft soap making supplies company in Europe, Louise acquired the skills and accreditations she needed to start creating.​

Once she'd mastered hand balms, it wasn't long before she got to work on soaps, shampoos and conditioners, and Bare Botanicals® was born.”

Louise and I have a lot in common, we want to keep things natural from products to images, and we both have a love for gardening, beekeeping and our love for the environment.


Louise was in need to professional photography to show off what her customers can buy, and she wanted some advertising and images to be used on her website so she can show off the real business and not use unrelated stock images! Her website had no showcase of her products and what customers can get and she’s released a new white label line where you can choose the bottle, the lid type and colour and the label too!

Having genuine photographs means people know what they’re buying, what it’s going to look like, the size and style and how it’s going to work for them. With all that information already given to them in an image, they only need to know a couple more things… price and how to buy!

The Main things I was focused on through the shoot and through the editing were:

Positioning the product - Making sure the

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KIERON & MICHAEL | A Real Wedding


LOUISE & WAYNE | Client Stories